Privacy policy.

  • We ensure all information is kept securely.

  • We only share and use information as per the agreed purpose.

  • We only collect personal information necessary for the services being provided and ensure that the client knows that their information is available anytime they wish to view it.

  • We ensure that client information is retained and stored in a secure environment.

  • When we collect client information, we explain the reasons why the information is collected and how it will be used.

  • We don’t give out any personal information, unless we know exactly who’s asking for it, why they want it and that they are authorised to have it.

  • We don’t breach client confidentiality.

  • We don’t collect information that isn’t required to complete the services we agreed with the client.

  • We don’t leave client information visible for other people to see.

  • We don't hold client information for longer than is required for the purposes of the relationship and/or meeting legal requirements.

Conflicts Policy.

  • We inform clients about any actual or potential conflicts, even if these conflicts have not influenced the opinions or recommendations we may have given them.

  • We can manage conflicts based on the following actions:

    • Take no action, should there be any concern that an action might create a conflict.

    • Not getting involved in, and if so will exclude themselves from decisions.

  • We will record conflicts which have been identified on the Conflicts Register along with mitigating actions where required. The register is updated as required and reviewed annually.

  • We don’t accept any gifts or hospitality outside of approved limits without prior approval

  • We don’t solicit or request gifts, hospitality or favours from clients or any other parties that may result in a perceived or actual conflict.

  • We don’t put ourselves in situations where we may derive personal benefit from actions or decisions made in our official capacity.

Complaints Policy

We are committed to providing the highest quality service to our clients. However, from time to time a client may express dissatisfaction with the experience they have received. A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction made to us, or to a person engaged by us, in relation to our financial advice service, or the complaints handling process itself, where a response or resolution is explicitly or implicitly expected. A complaint can also arise when the matter relates to a failure to provide a service or give advice. Our FAP licence requires our brokerage to have a fair, timely and transparent process in place for resolving client complaints relating to our financial advice services. Managing client complaints well is fundamental to providing good client outcomes. This policy sets out our approach:

  • We deal with complaints in fair, timely and transparent manner.

  • We encourage all complaints to be put in writing by letter or email and we retain records that set out the complaint, any actions we take in dealing with it, and the dates of those actions.

  • We formally acknowledge receipt of all complaints within [2] business days of receipt and advise the client about our internal complaints process and our dispute resolution scheme.

  • We ensure responsibility for resolution of the complaint is assigned to the appropriate individual in our brokerage.

  • We keep the client informed regarding the progress of their complaint.

  • Where no action is taken in respect of a complaint received, we record the reasons for not taking any action.

  • If a complaint cannot be resolved, we inform the client about taking the matter to our dispute resolution scheme.

  • We don’t treat complaints as trivial or unimportant.

  • We don’t discourage clients from engaging with our Dispute Resolution body should that be the most appropriate course of action for them.

  • We don’t delay or prolong resolution of complaints unnecessarily.

  • We don’t conduct ourselves in an impersonal or legalistic manner.

For more information about our Financial Advice Provider Licence please click here